Monday, February 21, 2011

127 Hours Review

I watched a future Oscar winner just now. For those of you who don't know the story, it's based on a true one and I won't tell you what happens for the most part but for the sake of this review I need to reveal that yes, he cuts his fucking arm off and survived to tell the story.

People threw up during this scene. What a bunch of pussies.

Now I don't know what it will win Oscar's for but you should defo watch it. Whether you like it or not I don't care but it is well acted and well written, and actually based on the book the real guy wrote. His name is Aron Rolston (Thank you Barry). The movie manages to keep up its pace by throwing in a few flashbacks and hallucinations that fill in a few things about his life.

Without going anywhere, he has a journey of self discovery of sorts as he realises what a bastard he may have been to certain important people in his life. He also never loses his will to live which is nice to watch because if he tried to kill himself like some stupid little emo, the movie would have been a lot less interesting.

Pictured: I forgot.

James Franco probably deserves the Best Actor Oscar for this and he carries the movie well, being in just about every scene. There's a couple of hot chicks at the start and he apologises to his sister for probably missing her wedding but I really hope he does win the trophy, because he is a great actor, despite things like this.....


  1. his name is aron ralston.

    the book he wrote is called 'between a rock and a hard place', and is a top read.

  2. sorry, i'll fix that. and i might give it a read too
