Saturday, August 6, 2011

Retro Review #23: The Dark Knight

This be my favourite movie. Closely followed by Inception and Blood Diamond. Because Christopher Nolan is fucking brilliant and Leo is dreamy. But anyway, when I read in about 2006 or something that Heath Ledger would play the Joker I thought, wha? But little did I know, he would win an Oscar for it, posthumously, and it would go on to make over a billion at the box office. It also should have at least been nominated for Best Picture, but fucking wasn't. At least it won a prestigious Scream Award.

It starts with a whining guitar score during a bank robbery which the Joker has orchestrated and find out that he is actually participating. All the other idiots kill each other and the Joker makes it out by himself. But not before uttering the belief that "I believe, whatever doesn't kill you, simply makes you, (bumbah) stranger". It's all very inspiring. Creepy, I meant.

That's a pretty cool shirt.

Then there's a cameo from the Scarecrow and some idiot Batman copycats and it's during this sequence that Bruceman realises he needs to be able to turn his head. A clever way of putting real life advances into the story.

But basically, I'm not gonna rave about how awesome the film is, if you paid any attention to the awards it got, you know it has it's moments. What I will say is that if you haven't seen the movie, what's your problem? You too busy watching vampires poof around and sparkle?

I cannot bring myself to put another Twilight picture on the blog. And Batman is awesome.

A few other odds and ends about the movie are that most of the actors are back, except Katie Holmes, she was replaced by Maggie Gyllenhaal as Rachel Dawes who is dating Harvey Dent. Who becomes Two-Face. Batman goes to Hong Kong to bring back a crime boss. The bat-cave is not in the film but a new thing is: The Bat-pod. The tumbler gives birth to it. The Joker flips a truck and blows up a hospital. I've made this as unspoilerific as I could.

All in all I think everyone can agree, this is sure as fuck better than any other superhero movie, of which there has been some crackers.

Bat-Pod. That is all.

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