Monday, June 20, 2011

FUCK: The Documentary

This film is a doco. Not a particularly effective one. Spitting out bible passages and random quotes from polies, actors, comedy type people, and bible pushers. The problem is that each tends to have their own point and most don't get it across. It's pretty frustrating as somebody who feels that you should be able to do whatever you want as long as it doesn't hurt anybody. I agree that there's stuff that isn't suitable for certain people to see, but it should be up to the parents to control what they see, not every other fucking person in the world. Or the country as it might be, in this case, the United States which has the most retarded censorship laws in the world I think. Except for when my great country banned small tits in porn.

All this talk of morality is a bunch of crap, immorality is stealing or sexual misconduct or cheating. Not saying fuck or shit or any other of the seven dirty words. This point is not made clear in the movie because it jumps around too much with people saying one thing and then the next person saying something else.

I could easily put a picture on here to demonstrate the physical act of fucking but why bother, if you want to see that, go somewhere else and touch yourself. You can however, continue to touch yourself if you already were.

Kindly go make love to yourself.

It goes into how democrats are a bunch of stuck up arseholes who want to control and censor everything that happens. It hardly, but does a little, address the matter of context, it doesn't look into the origins of the word other that having some chick say 'fornicate under command of the king', which is not correct, it is only a myth, but they don't say that.

It seems to only be concerned with making a movie with the most uses of the word they are trying to defend or whatever the fuck they are trying to do. About 10 times a minute, they make it, btw. It seems to just concentrate on instances when fuck has been used and chat about it for a minute or so. Although it does make reference to Janet Jackson getting the old nurp out at the superbowl and then cuts to a concert in Belguim or somewhere with a dude shoving it up a chick at a concert on stage in protest of something. And whatever point they were trying to make gets lost there because we get to listen to the shitty song for a bit and then move onto something else.

Starting early.

All in all, they really didn't achieve what they set out I think, and would have benefited from actually looking into the origins a bit and interviewing all sorts of people from around the world.

Black, white, Japanese, Chinese, American, Australian, New Yorkers, Southerners, Russians, Singers, sportsmen, nuns, priests, librarians, firefighters, police, adults, kids, teachers, terrorists, King's, Queen's, President's, gangsta's, veterans, vets, facebookers, punks, hip hoppers, builders, business owners, criminals, authors, vampires and aliens.

But they don't, they focus on comedian Lenny Bruce a little too long, although he did do a lot for the future of everything with his at times heavily sweary routines.

Fuck? Yes. Fuck yes.

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