Saturday, June 4, 2011

Have Fun With an Alien Named Paul

Have you met Paul yet? He's a funny little fucker. He drinks, smokes, swears and eats birds. All that wholesome stuff and he's voiced by the guy with the best laugh ever, Seth Rogen. He escapes Area 51 in Nevada and meets up with two Brit nerds who have just been to Comic-Con in San Diego. Scares the shit out of 'em to begin with.

Along the way we learn that Paul is a nickname and that Clive, played by Nick Frost, is a science fiction writer and that Greame, played by Simon Pegg, is an artist. Government agents are looking for Paul, played by Sigourney Weaver and Jason Bateman, we also learn that Paul gave Stephen Spielberg the idea for ET. Throw in a Christian chick and her father, a couple of homophobic hicks and two other dick agents, one played by Bill Hader and you have the recipe of a great sci-fi road movie comedy.

Hanging out with Paul.

Spoilers aside, I can't tell if this was better than the other Frost/Pegg flicks, Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, but it's definately fun, and watching the Christian chick swear for the first time is pretty fuckin' delightful. That wasn't a pun either, it was to punctuate the joy of it.

This was written by Frost and Pegg, like Dead and Fuzz, but wasn't directed by Edgar Wright, it was directed by Greg Mottola of Superbad fame. Wright was off doing Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, I think. I guess that might be why it doesn't feel like the Dead or Fuzz. This is its own.

How adorable.

Lets just say the movie is satisfying and one part in particular, I did not see coming but when you think about it, it makes perfect sense and I like that. It's a pretty well thought out film and should please sci-fi and comedy fans alike.

I just realised why it feels different to Dead and Fuzz: its the lack of blood, gore and cornetto's.

I have no idea what the fuck that box is.

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