Monday, February 21, 2011

The Tomorrow When The War Began Movie

If you are like me, you read these books in high school. They were awesome. How cool but fucked up would that be? Being thrust into that sitch when your a kid. You'd get to play gun fights for realsies but/and also have to deal with the fact you just killed someone.

Anyway, about 15 minutes into this I wanted to turn it off because it felt like, if I was patient enough, my Tomorrow, the movie War might actually Begin. Not that any of that stuff was unnecessary, just that some of the acting in the earlier parts of the flick were not great and they weren't going to win any awards for it. But wait, no, Caitlin Stasey AKA Ellie, the main chick, did win one somehow. So questionable award win aside, it was nice to see an Australian movie with a budget of more that $40 for once.

Sometimes you can do a lot with $40

From around about then on though it was what I wanted to see. The pace picked up, the acting improved and the tension and action started. Going back just a tad, it might help to tell you that the reason they weren't around when the country got invaded, was because they were camping in a difficult place to reach called hell. They heard the planes and thought nothing of it until they went back into town to find a dead dog, stinking fridge and no dial tone. Along of course with no fucking people. It clicked to them that they might be fucked but sensibly went to see what's the hap's in town. Turns out everyone is being held at the showground like cattle and they then decide to go back to hell.

Not this one.

So they hatch a plan to fight back which is all very believable and somewhere along the way they have recruited a stoner who Ellie tore a new one for falling asleep at his post. Poor fucker, she scared the life out of him. And so they decide to steal a thing to fuck up this thing to stop their stuff from coming into town. Did you understand that? Good, I'm not saying it again. A couple of the characters who before did or said disagreeable things have the chance to make up for said mistakes and they do it well. But not without consequences which will play out on the sequel which will no doubt be made as the book series is 7 books long and this only covered the first one.

Pictured: Saying "Fuck"

I'll be interested to see the sequel, probably on DVD, this having been one of the more entertaining Aussie flicks that I have seen for a while.

On a scale of 1 to 10 I give it two thumbs up or 3 1/2 stars or something.

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